Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The fire around the Text

These are some steps help you to make “the fire around the text”:

Step1: Create a new file with black background, and type the white text into that

Step2: Filter/Style/Wind (Wind from left)à makes the left ray of light.
Do that one more time (Ctrl F).

Step3: Filter/Style/Wind (Wind from right)à makes the right ray of light.
Do that one more time (Ctrl F).

Step4: make the up and down ray of light
Image/Rotate Canvas/90CCW
Filter/Style/Wind (Wind from right):2 times.
Filter/Style/Wind (Wind from left):2 times.
Image/Rotate Canvas/90CW (rotate again).

Step5: Filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur (radius=2.0)
Filter/Distor/Rippe (Default (not edit)).

Step6: change to “fire colour”
Image/Mode/Indexed Colour.
Chose Blackbody colourtable (Image/Mode/Colortable)
Change again to RGB (Image/Mode/RGB color)

Step7: Type that text again ( black color, and its size is bigger that the previous). Put it on the previous.



Blogger positivDenken said...

Yup, it looks strange and impressive. The fire as if cover the edge of the text. In my opinion, it is as if the text is burning. Cool

5:27 AM  

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