Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The film

After making the introduction of film: “The cabinet of dr Caligari”. I ask myself why don’t make a poster to advertise this film?. I decide to make it. Here is the poster, is it ok?


Blogger Madeleine Morris said...

Nice, but could I possibly beg you to use a few less fonts? This is a bad habit with you - using way too many fonts AND putting text all over the place.

There is no reason baring iminent death that you need to use more than two fonts on a poster. Interesting typographical placement works MUCH better if ONE element acts as a constant (either the font OR the placement).

Looking back at your work, I'm thinking you really need to reconsider using primary colours for everything. How about challenging yourself to the discipline of using only different shades and tones of the same colour? A monochromatic layout - just to try and get you off the addiction to primaries.

Learn to use your photoshop pallet instead of just picking what is there and easy.

2:48 AM  

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