Thursday, August 31, 2006

Anti nude

Getting the inspiration from newspaper about the student’s lifestyle. This poster wants to show the view, it suggests student should care about their studying; they should avoid “industrial sex

Free style

Once, I joined in the hip-hop night, the dancer satisfied me by his style. After I came back home, I tried to make some thing about this music. I designed the poster; it wants to show the youth’s sprit. It is wonderful when you create the “free style” for you.

Friday, August 25, 2006

The trial poster

This is the 3rd public welfare. If you don’t ware helmet, your way will be driven to Rest In Peace. So, the best way is think about the Helmet’s benefit.

My 2nd Coverbook

My father want me ton design for him a cover book for his club. I tried to design it through 4 days. Its meaning is about the catholic religion, It is the call that invite every club member to gather to meeting. It is hard to understand if you are not religion person. So, you just see and make the comment about its design, ok ? Thanks

Thursday, August 17, 2006

My sub_poster

This is the sub-poster. I designed it with funny. This poster talks about “wearing the helmet”. It shows the regret after dieing. We are still live on the earth, so we have to know how to avoid that regret.

My favourite brand

QuikSilver is my favourite brand. I try to design the advertisement of this product. It can be printed on T shirt, bag or cap.

Friday, August 11, 2006


This is my logo. I drew it by one line to prove that I want to go straightforward. I am confident. This also represent my career, I am a designer. My nick name: Jonathan

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The ist poster

The human life is not easy. People should believe in themself if they want to be successful. People should find the best way to drive their life. If you have wrong way you will be injured.

The brochure

I imagined that our school had a music party on Sunday. I designed this brochure to invite all student join in. This brochure brings my music’s love. This is the first time I try in this are